7 Ways to Implement AI in Email Marketing: Trends from 2021 Mailercloud

4 min readNov 30, 2021


7 Ways to Implement AI in Email Marketing: Trends from 2021
7 Ways to Implement AI in Email Marketing: Trends from 2021

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly evolving and has entered into almost all facets of our lives. Siri and Alexa being the favourite examples. The rate at which AI is expanding is now available to a wide range of markets and marketers. This includes email marketers as well.

Instigating and harnessing AI for your email marketing campaigns is now straightforward. AI enhances the effectiveness of email marketing. It introduces a number of features into email campaigns that result in increased conversions, lower churn rates, improved personalization, automation, and data analysis. Even research and studies back these benefits — the revenue increased by 41% and the click-through rates increased by 13.44% when using AI for email personalization. 66% of marketers agree that AI can help them improve email delivery times.

How does AI work?

AI applies enhanced computing capabilities to retrieve insights from your subscribers’ database and their customer behaviour. These insights are used by AI algorithms to create forecasts and suggestions at every stage of the consumer journey, allowing for unparalleled personalization and segmentation.

AI has the ability to give email campaigns the boost they require. So, if you’re an email marketer looking for a way to improve the performance of your email marketing campaign, AI could be the magic ingredient. Here are some strategies for implementing AI in email marketing that is in line with current industry trends.

Data Management & Organization

Managing and orchestrating data is always the best first move. With mammoth amounts of data into action, this task will not only consume a lot of time but will also put you at risk of committing missteps. This is a duty that AI can easily take up. It can analyze enormous volumes of data and organize them into a concrete format. Post this, email marketers can discover similar audiences and segment them into groups.

One-on-One Targeting of a Single Segment

A single client profile, based on their interests, demography, and position in the sales pipeline, is a distinct segment in and of itself. AI-based solutions enable you to conduct a bespoke communication sequence with personalized content and a schedule that is customized to each customer’s preferences.

On this front, AI not only saves time by allowing for more exact data segmentation but also boosts revenue and delivers more value to customers.

Customer Lifetime Value Prediction

Customer lifetime value projection can be a valuable resource in the toolbox of today’s email marketers who wish to make realistic strategies for future growth. Forecasting customer lifetime value enables the further development of email marketing campaigns.

You wisely spend your marketing budget, without any uninformed guesswork. Henceforth, you may alter your strategies, implement the best fit, and improve the client experience. AI makes it possible to predict with a high degree of accuracy and turns this otherwise tedious and difficult task easy.

Scheduling & Frequency Optimization

Email sending time and frequency are key in getting your emails in front of your audience at the most opportune time. It’s hard to anticipate the right emailing time for each subscriber having different online activity timings and residing in different time zones, but AI can help. It can designate an email sending time with the best chance of being opened on the basis of the subscriber’s recent online activity, time zones, and patterns.

Email Personalization

Email personalization is the big thing in today’s email marketing realm for higher email open rates. However, the step of putting email personalization into action is time-consuming. Not to forget that analyzing the results afterward is equally tiresome.

Contrastingly, AI can effortlessly forecast which personalized combinations would result in more conversions and incorporate these factors into email content. AI algorithms assess the subscribers’ specific preferences and tweak the email’s components with other design aspects accordingly.

Optimize Client Lifecycle

AI interprets the customer’s digital demeanor and sets the predictions into action. Via optimally personalized content, AI can pique new subscribers’ attention. AI gives the right message at the right moment based on their interactions. By delivering new and engaging content, as well as exclusive promos and incentives, AI can keep inactive members interested.

AI is capable of predicting churn rates. Using which marketers can run win-back campaigns and reintroduce churned subscribers into the marketing funnel.

Ensure Consistent and High Email Deliverability

A good email deliverability score keeps your emails out of the spam box. List hygiene, domain and IP repute, and other factors contribute to great email deliverability. Mailercloud’s dedicated IP for email marketing helps in increasing your sender's reputation. Introducing AI here can do these tasks in a flick, with accuracy.

AI verifies all the addresses in your email list and erases the bad ones. It performs preliminary checks to see if any problems exist, such as broken links, spammy phrases, or blacklisted IPs/domains. AI also aids a completely automated warm-up phase.

To begin your email marketing journey for free, click below:-




Mailercloud is an advanced email marketing tool. It’s easy, and innovative features help customers to strategise their business growth efficiently.