5 Reasons why your Email marketing Campaigns Fails Mailercloud

4 min readOct 1, 2021


5 Reasons Why your Email marketing Campaigns Fails

If after sending a well-structured email to your customers, a sinking feeling hits your mind, then you need to recheck your email marketing strategy. These days there are a number of marketers who remain frustrated with their email marketing efforts because they seem less effective.

They witness low open rates, fewer clicks, and fewer conversations. If this is the same scenario with you, then you need not worry as this blog will unveil the top 5 reasons why your email marketing campaigns fail. It will further help you recreate your email marketing strategy and see your business grow.

Why do email marketing campaigns matter?

According to the marketer email tracker report, email marketing campaigns can help you engage more customers in comparison to any other medium. You can expect an ROI of $35, against every $1 spent, which is far better than investing in some other space.

Then why do some of the marketers are unable to see these figures into their success stories? Well, this could be something that you might be wondering and this is why we are here to help you understand the real reasons and create a perfect email marketing strategy for your business.

Why do email marketing campaigns fail?

As per recent research conducted by Content Marketing Institute, marketers rely on emails for interacting with their customers and generating leads. They send regular updates about new offers, products, and services to their esteemed customers. However, the sad reality is that not every marketer succeeds in the same way. Many of them do not know how to engage customers via emails and remain unhappy with their efforts.

Likewise, email marketing platform, Mailercloud surveyed millions of its customers and found that marketers who have higher domain reputation have higher open rates, conversions, and ROI. On the other hand, those who avoid sending campaigns from their main domain fail to achieve desired results. To take this discussion further, here are the reasons why your email campaigns are not performing well:-

Your call to action is ineffective

At first, you might be delighted to see the majority of the emails that you send to your users are opened. But, how if you do not receive any response from your customers?

A low Click-Through-Rate is always upsetting. This means your email is not telling your customers what they must do! Your email should always have a clear call to action. It should trigger your email recipients to complete the desired step which can be purchasing something from your online store, requesting a demo, or buying your subscription plan.

You are targeting the wrong audience

When creating a perfect email marketing strategy, you should always place yourself in place of the customers and observe your primary inbox. In doing so you will find that some of the emails in your inbox are not of your interest.

This is the same scenario for your customers. They might not find your email aligning with their interest topics. As a result, they might mark you spam or even unsubscribe. To overcome this, you should always identify your target audience very clearly. Once done with this, you can send emails to the interest groups and observe higher CTR.

You are sending too many emails

If you have clear plans to win the hearts of your customers, then you need to be very disciplined and calculative with your email marketing efforts. Likewise, sending too many emails may make your customers unhappy and they might unsubscribe from your emails or even report them as spam.

An internal survey from Mailercloud, stated that campaign quality is an important factor for improving the open rates. One must keep a check on campaign quality as well as how many emails one sends to their customers in the applicable time frame.

Your emails are not personalized

According to an article published in Forbes, personalized emails have 26% higher open rates in comparison to any other standard emails. This means if you are expecting a response from your customers you should always have personalized subject lines and email content.

This makes your customers feel more valued and recognized, which will help you improve your CTR. However, there are many email marketers who are not aware of this fact and end up with lower open rates and conversions. According to Mailercloud, with personalization, one can surely achieve 15 % higher open rates, which is impressive.

Your subject lines are spammy

Sending emails to close friends, family members, and colleagues is always easy. But when you are sending emails to generate leads, then you should be very careful. Your subject lines should be clear and concise.

However, it can be witnessed that many email marketing fail to succeed because their subject lines are boring and appear as spam to the recipients. For example, subject lines that fail to generate curiosity among the recipients are less likely to be opened.

Further, these emails fail to find a place in the primary inbox and are marked as spam or irrelevant by the recipients. It is thereby suggested to avoid spammy subject lines under all circumstances.

Wrapping up

In a nutshell, email marketing grants you an exciting opportunity to strengthen relationships with your existing and new customers. It further lets you nurture that relationship and keep your customers engaged with your brand in the long run.

When you understand your customers and communicate as per their expectations, you can retain the privileges to send them emails and grow leads. We are pretty sure that after reading this blog post, you would have better clarity on what to avoid and what not to avoid for running a successful email marketing campaign. You can start your email marketing journey with Mailercloud, by tapping/clicking on the link below.




Mailercloud is an advanced email marketing tool. It’s easy, and innovative features help customers to strategise their business growth efficiently.