5 Do’s and Don’ts of Email Marketing You Should Know

3 min readNov 23, 2021


5 Do’s and Don’ts of Email Marketing You Should Know
5 Do’s and Don’ts of Email Marketing You Should Know

Email campaigns have become an integral part of any digital marketing toolkit. It has massive ROI, a wider reach, and provides an option to customize everything as per the audience. However, the process of ideation, planning, and execution is not that easy.

Following the best email marketing practices is essential to harness the true power of email marketing. Simultaneously, ditching the ill practices is equally important. This shall minimize the risks of killing email conversions and move your leads further in your marketing funnel.

Here is a list of 5 do’s and don’ts of email marketing that will help bring the best of your campaigns in front of the right audience.

Do’s 1: Keep the Email’s Tonality Conversational

Use a conversational tone in your email copy and subject line. Keep them crisp and to the point. It’s critical to grab the reader’s attention quickly when you only have a few seconds to do it. Write as if you’re speaking one-on-one with that person, rather than to an entire email contact list.

Do’s 2: Define Clear Goals for your Email Marketing Campaigns

Consider what you want to accomplish and how you intend to do it. Whatever your aim is for an email campaign, it should be clear right from the initial phase. This eliminates distraction and, in the long run, can lead to better success rates.

Do’s 3: Optimize for Mobile Devices

With the digital province changing drastically within a matter of seconds, most of the emails are now accessed on emails. Hence, make sure that the emails are designed to be responsive on all devices.

Do’s 4: Use Email Automation

Automated email workflows like auto-triggered and drip email campaigns help in nurturing your leads by providing them valuable content in a way that makes them more receptive. Marketing automation guarantees that each of your clients receives the right email just at the opportune timing depending on which stage they are in their customer journey.

Do’s 5: Improve the Chances of your Emails getting opened

Taking into account your subscribers’ time zone plays an important part in providing your emails a better chance to get noticed and opened.

Don’ts 1: Never Overlook the Red flags

Watch out for the signals that your email marketing analytic reports show. Ignoring or not analyzing the correct metrics may influence the campaign’s performance and its future. You’ll be shooting in the dark if you disregard your analytics, which means you can mess up with your email marketing targets.

Don’ts 2: Never Forget to A/B Test

Test every facet of the email to discover which ones perform best. The ability to make mistakes in the test mode is paramount to successful email marketing campaigns. It’s far more convenient to address an email problem before it’s sent off to your entire database.

Don’ts 3: Do Not Buy Email Lists

Buying email lists damages your email deliverability score. Purchasing an email list is not only illegal, but it also has detrimental ramifications, such as a disengaged audience or a terrible email reputation. In addition, these lists frequently contain out-of-date or erroneous email addresses. This has an impact on your email’s overall quality score, open rates and bounce rates.

Don’ts 4: Do Not Make the Process of Unsubscribing Complex

Never forget to add an unsubscribe link to your email campaigns. The consequences are fewer spam complaints and far better interactions of your subscribers with your emails. This builds and maintains a positive sender reputation. Unsubscribe links are essential to keep a clean mailing list of genuinely interested subscribers.

Don’ts 5: Do Not Dispatch Dry as Dust Emails

Do not treat your subscribers as if they are just an email address. They are humans, and therefore, do not forget to infuse that human feel in your emails.

In a nutshell

Mailercloud’s list segmentation, email personalization are the best ways to customize the emails as per your audience. Importantly, do not send the same emails to everyone with generic content. Such emails make an impression in your subscribers’ minds that you don’t care about their needs and preferences. This does nothing but harms the conversion rates.

To start your email marketing journey for free, click below:-




Mailercloud is an advanced email marketing tool. It’s easy, and innovative features help customers to strategise their business growth efficiently.